Forum Discussion

TonyGonzalez's avatar
Qrew Trainee
10 months ago

Pull a number from another table

I ahve a table that breaks down "Fire Calls" in table 1.  I have table 2 that needs to have a formula of "total of fire calls" divided by ESD 7 calls.  I haven't had to pull numbers from another table up to this point.  I am going to look in help and other resources, but I always think this group will be faster or add clarification.

Gonzo - A Newbie, but learning fast. (Former SmartSheet evangelist who is quickly converting to QuickBase)
IT Director City of New Braunfels
  • Is there any kind of relationship in place for the numbers you're trying to pull? If not you will need to expand your horizons into some thing called Formula Queries.  They are a relatively new feature of QuickBase that came along in the last two years or so and kind of rocked our world and that they allow you to basically pull any information from anywhere without relationships. You just have to be cautious if you are dealing with tables with high record counts as they will potentially impact the performance of your app or actually be blocked by QuickBase if you are carrying very large table say an excess of 10,000 100,000 records depending on the nature of your formula query. 

    I think we would need to have more details in order to guide you on whether you can pull your numbers for a traditional relationship which is typically preferable or whether you need to get into formula queries.    

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • ChayceDuncan's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      Depending on what you're trying to do with the # you can also construct a 'Master' table that acts like a global parent in your DB for areas where you need to create scalar values that persist across the entire system. The idea is you create a table with a single record and you create relationships to any tables that you need to summarize data for, and the reference field is formula-numeric set to the value of '1' so that every record is related to your master. This way you can create summary fields that you can bring into your master record for reporting. So you can imagine # of calls this month as one value, another for last month, and then a simple formula field that calcs the difference for month over month. 

      Chayce Duncan
      • TonyGonzalez's avatar
        Qrew Trainee

        Thanks, Mark and Chayce.  That's some really great info.  

        I think this one is simple enough to just do a table to table relationship and bring that total over to table 2 and be done with it that way.  Neither table is huge like you describe Mark, but this is likely just the easiest and quickest way.  Was just hoping maybe there was a simpler formula way to do this.  No worries.  I think i can make this happen.

        Gonzo - A Newbie, but learning fast. (Former SmartSheet evangelist who is quickly converting to QuickBase)
        IT Director City of New Braunfels
    • TonyGonzalez's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      OK Mark, I am raising the flag for help.  I can't get this done right.  I do just simply want to bring a number from field 1 in table 1, to a similarly titled field in table 2.  I know this is easier than I am making it out to be.  How do I do this?  The tables are in the same app.  

      Gonzo - A Newbie, but learning fast. (Former SmartSheet evangelist who is quickly converting to QuickBase)
      IT Director City of New Braunfels
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        But from which record are you wanting to pull the data?

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)