Forum Discussion
Let start with the basics. Did you try a summary field in the relationship to detect if any children meet the criteria? The vanilla way of getting Child information up to the Parent is by going to the Relationship and creating a summary field.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
Mark, thank you for the reply. I'm unsure what you mean by adding the Summary field. I can't add a summary field that will pull the date. If I try, I get an error that says the summary field can't be applied to the date field. I already have a summary field that adds whether the employee has a record for the meeting. That's how I filter out the reports of who still needs to have one scheduled.
Hannah Engelson
- MarkShnier__You12 months ago
Qrew Legend
You can do a summary on a date field or a date/time field type if you select "Maximum" or Minimum depending on what you want. You can also add filters to that summary field when configuring it.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- HannahEngelson12 months agoQrew Trainee
The maximum worked!! Thank you so much!
As an aside, what would be the difference between maximum and minimum in regards to date?
Hannah Engelson
------------------------------- MikeTamoush12 months agoQrew Commander
Think of Maximum as 'the most recent, or newest, date' and minimum as 'the oldest date'.
Mike Tamoush