Forum Discussion

VinceAdmin's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

QB Email address field still accepts nonsense. How?

Hey all,

I honestly thought i'd never have to raise this question. I was hoping that it would have been fixed after so many years.

Why does your Email address field allow invalid and multiple @ characters? There must be an amazing explanation as to why this has not yet been addressed? Why would you even need an Email address field, when I might as well add a Text field and Regex it so it does what I want?

QB Email address field allows the following: --in what world is this valid?
myemail@ --again, space after @ and it still works  --two spaces before email, two spaces after, still works


Vince Admin

3 Replies

  • Maybe this will help.  If you improve it, pleas post back

    var text email = Trim([Quoted Dealer Email]);

    var text Warning =If($email="", "Missing email address",

    List( "<br>",
    If( not Contains($email,"@"), "Missing @ symbol" ),
    If( not Contains(Part($email, 2, "@" ),"."), "Missing .com or similar at the end" ),
    If( Contains($email, " "), "Has a space inside the email address" ),
    //If(Part($email, 1,"<>[]{},")<>"", "Bad characters in in the email address"),
    If(Part($email, 2,"<>[]{},")<>"", "Bad characters in in the email address"),
    If(Begins($email,"<"), "Bad characters in email address"),
    If(Ends($email,">"), "Bad characters in email address"),
    If(Contains($email, "mailto"), "Bad email address"),
    If(Contains($email, ":"), "Bad email address" ),
    If(Ends($email, "."), "email ends in a period - that can't be right" ),
    If(contains($email, ")"), "email contains a bracket ( or ) - that can't be right" )


    If($Warning<>"", "<font color=red>" & $Warning)

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
  • Valid concern, but I would recommend submitting something over on UserVoice here.

    Blake Harrison -
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    • AustinK's avatar
      Qrew Commander
      There is one from 2015 and I bet if I dig deeper there are older ones. The one from 2015 was answered and said the functionality is now there with custom data rules. While technically correct, giving the user the ability to do this on their own is not the same as having proper data validation in the first place for a field such as email. So based on that response I think we can assume they will not be improving this any time soon. At least it can be mostly done by custom data rules or Marks formula.