Forum Discussion

JamesDalton's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Question about Last updated by

Just wondering,

Is the timestamp, Last updated by, a combination of the Date Modified and Last Modified By fields? Or is there a difference.


James Dalton

  • For clarity, what Mark is saying is that Quickbase will auto-create a handful of fields when you create a new table:

    Date Created     (Field ID 1)
    Date Modified    (Field ID 2)
    Record ID#       (Field ID 3)
    Record Owner     (Field ID 4)
    Last Modified By (Field ID 5)

    However, it's possible that an Admin in your app created a Last updated by field, but how that is implemented would be specific to your app.

    Ahh, after re-reading this one, it sounds like you are referring to the time and userstamps displayed in the footer when viewing a single record. Yes, native Quickbase displays the Last updated by as a combination of the Last Modified By and Date Modified fields in the form footer as you described in your question.

    Brian Seymour

  • There is no native Field in QuickBase called Last Updated By.  The words at the bottom of the forms which show who created and edited the record last are derived from the first 5 fields on the field list.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
  • BrianSeymour's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain

    For clarity, what Mark is saying is that Quickbase will auto-create a handful of fields when you create a new table:

    Date Created     (Field ID 1)
    Date Modified    (Field ID 2)
    Record ID#       (Field ID 3)
    Record Owner     (Field ID 4)
    Last Modified By (Field ID 5)

    However, it's possible that an Admin in your app created a Last updated by field, but how that is implemented would be specific to your app.

    Ahh, after re-reading this one, it sounds like you are referring to the time and userstamps displayed in the footer when viewing a single record. Yes, native Quickbase displays the Last updated by as a combination of the Last Modified By and Date Modified fields in the form footer as you described in your question.

    Brian Seymour

    • JamesDalton's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Thanks Brian. That's what I suspected. I'm trying to build a work-around wherein my pipelines manually copy who actually modified the record to the target record. Most of the records that are created or modified in my app are done so through pipelines and since I'm the owner, the Last update by footer keeps pointing to my name.

      James Dalton
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        The built in fields cannot be changed. But you don't have to show them on the Form.

        The Form Settings has a  tab for Properties where you can suppress those from showing.

        Then you would need to build you own fields to display.

        For example you can have the Pipeline populate fields for the date that the Pipeline was run and the last modified by of the user who did the update which triggered the update. Then display those on the form along with the native fields for who created the record and when.  

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)