Question about Last updated by
Just wondering,
Is the timestamp, Last updated by, a combination of the Date Modified and Last Modified By fields? Or is there a difference.
James Dalton
For clarity, what Mark is saying is that Quickbase will auto-create a handful of fields when you create a new table:
Date Created (Field ID 1)
Date Modified (Field ID 2)
Record ID# (Field ID 3)
Record Owner (Field ID 4)
Last Modified By (Field ID 5)
However, it's possible that an Admin in your app created a Last updated by field, but how that is implemented would be specific to your app.
Ahh, after re-reading this one, it sounds like you are referring to the time and userstamps displayed in the footer when viewing a single record. Yes, native Quickbase displays the Last updated by as a combination of the
Last Modified By
andDate Modified
fields in the form footer as you described in your question.
Brian Seymour