Forum Discussion

ChadKragness's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Question on a Formula Query

I have a Formula query that is giving me the error message "Expecting Number."
I expect that the field (159) is a number in my table.  The record ID (108) should also be a number?

Commented out on the attachment is the formula that I had copied out of the help area
to start with.   As I add "s" to the end of GetFieldValue or GetRecord - the errors change but
do not resolve my issue.

Is there a Formula Query "guru" who can enlighten me on what I'm overlooking?


Chad Kragness
Timber Technologies, LLC
Year 1 user (creator)
  • I'm certainly no expert on queries so this is just an educated guess but - 

    I suspect you are using a formula numeric field. I am surmising that the getfieldvalues call returns text no matter what. Someone else will have to confirm. So you are returining text. If you are sure it will only pull one value, wrap the whole thing in tonumber()

    Mike Tamoush
    • ChadKragness's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Thanks Mike,

      I tried ToNumber() and ToText() in a few places in the formula to no avail.  I also tried changing the type of the filed
      from Formula-Numeric to Formula-Text as a trial and that doesn't work either.

      Chad Kragness
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        please post your code by copy paste so its editable.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)