Forum Discussion

EvanMartinez's avatar
Qrew Elite
7 years ago

Quickbase Email Deliverability Solutions for Spam Filtering

Quickbase keeps an up-to-date Sender Policy Framework (SPF) record for all email servers used to send email from our platform. If you use SPF, you can adhere to your organization's spam filtering policy without having to allowlist the IP addresses of approved senders. Quickbase also maintains a valid DKIM signature.

Important: SPF is our recommended and supported method for spam filtering. 

Since the IP address ranges of email servers can change without notice, customers should NOT allowlist IP addresses as the primary method of spam filtering to allow Quickbase emails to be received via IP address. See for more information on SPF. If your organization does allowlist email IP addresses, you should plan to implement SPF as soon as possible.

If you continue to experience deliverability issues, despite implementing SPF, then allowlisting may be required to bypass more stringent filtering for some configurations. We recommend the allowlisting of the email address as the first step in troubleshooting deliverability issues.

If notifications continue to be unreliable, after allowlisting the address, we would then advise the allowlisting of the Quickbase Email IPs listed in this article.

If you choose to allowlist IP addresses, here is the CURRENT range used by the Quickbase Platform:








If, after taking all the steps above, you still continue to see deliverability issues, you could also allowlist *, although this would not be the recommended course of action.

1 Reply

  • it would be helpful to include here what text should be included in the our spf include statements? Is it '' or something else?