Forum Discussion

AttiyaJamal's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

QuickBase form data not getting saved

Description: We have created one Formula Rich text field as a button and upon clicking on that button, we are changing value of one field by calling API_EditRecord. 

Issue: Issue is when we are clicking this button, then whatever data we have entered in the page at that point of time are not getting saved.

Please reply to this issue asap.


Attiya Jamal

1 Reply

  • Hi Attiya,

    Since the button you have is calling an API what is happening is that command is getting entered to make the changes separate from the form you are working on and this is causing it to lose the in progress data. One way to avoid this is to change the form properties of that button so that it isn't available to be clicked on in the edit mode and only shows in view mode for the record. This way users can't click the button while they are editing the form and lose data. Alternatively, in the table settings under the advanced settings there is a checkbox to 'Save parent record automatically when a child record is created' you can check to see if this is checked and see if that helps to capture the data even if the button is pushed. The best practice is usually to make sure any buttons that run their own actions are removed from edit or add form workflows to avoid that confusion and loss of data. I hope this suggestion is helpful 

    Evan Martinez
    Community Marketing Manager
    Quick Base