Forum Discussion

Forsaken_User's avatar
Qrew Cadet
4 months ago

QuickBase Performance

Dear QuickBase people,

The slower speed/performance of QuickBase appears to be directly corelated to the amount of unwanted "New Features" nobody is asking for.

Just sayin.


  • I haven't noticed a slower speed/performance; however, I agree there are a lot of "new features" that a lot of us did not want/ask for.

    The new gauge charts are NOT gauge charts.... 

    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

      KCabreiraCan you explain what you mean by this

      The new gauge charts are NOT gauge charts.... 

      If you mean how the gauge chart appears on a New Dashboard as a single numerical widget, those are ideal for KPI indicators on an Executive / Management Dashboard. 


      Forsaken_User  Can you clarify where you feel it's slower.  Are you referring to the New Style table reports or New Style forms or New Dashboards (vs Home Pages)  other Performance Issues?

  • Here is one example of a KPI Dashboard where the Widget color corresponds to the Gauge chart color.  So it works well for my purposes to put many icons an a single Dashboard KPI screen.



    • KCabreira's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Way too much to read and it's busy.

      They only need one gauge chart with the ranges of what the colors mean underneath. The new KPI graph doesn't even have that. 

      I'm sure the new KPI graph be used for something else, but it's not helpful for what we've been using the gauge chart for.  

      #keepthegaugechart QuickBase 

  • ben_simon's avatar
    Community Manager

    Hi team, a few thoughts here, as this discussion has a decent amount going on.

    1. Anyone who is experiencing slowness or performance challenges in their apps should review this with our Technical Support team or your Customer Success Manager to see if there are ways we can optimize your performance. Performance is going to vary app to app, realm to realm, account to account, as there's a ton of variability within Quickbase.
    2. If there's an individual feature you're not liking, we need this to be entered in product feedback. KCabreira if you do submit an idea, tell us more about the value you were getting from the old gauge and how the new one is limiting you. Tell us about how you're using the Gauge Chart in the idea. 
    3. In general, and trust me, I understand how emotion can dictate what we communicate, especially in written form, but I would strongly encourage people from not using hyperbole when you are attempting to represent a problem. "Everyone hates this!!" "Literally no one likes this feature!!!" It's incorrect. And you flat out don't know this. You are allowing your emotion to cloud and disrupt you way you articulate your feedback. We hear lots of feedback on new features, the good and the bad. I would much rather read "I hate this," or "I have not spoken to anyone yet who likes this" as those statements, while obviously still not great for Quickbase, do better represent something that is true. But an even better way to do this is to...
    4. Make feedback actionable. "Bring back the old nav" is not actionable. "Here's a running list of every challenge I am having today with the New Nav" with the different challenges written out in list form makes it clear the exact points of pain. Pointing out how in the Old Nav the lost functionality that added value, gives the Product team steps they can do to improve the feature.
    5. Quickbase is spelled without the capitalized B. Come on folks. 
    • KCabreira's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      On #5.... It's spelled with a lower case b.

      • ben_simon's avatar
        Community Manager

        You are correct!!! I was referencing both the original post and your #keepthegauge chart where it's spelled QuickBase. But you know what, I think we both agree this is not the most important part of this thread.

  • KCabreira   If you use a "Home Page" as opposed to a "New Dashboard", then you will see the Gauge chart render normally like a speedometer format. Maybe a Home Page is better suited to your needs.

    • KCabreira's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      I currently use a "Home Page" for all my graphs/charts.

      However, my leadership doesn't like the ellipses that appear when a category name on a bar chart or pie chart is too long.

      Quickbase's solution is for me to utilize the new dashboard, which does solve that particular issue, then it created another one because I can't utilize the same gauge charts I have been using (and my leadership likes). 

      So, I'm in a conundrum.