Forum Discussion

BethUbinger's avatar
Qrew Trainee
6 years ago

QuickBase Report, Only want to see data that is within the last 30 days

I am totally new to formulas and quickbase
I am trying to create a report for my dashboard that will only show data if the Received Date is within the last 30 days.
Below is what I have so far, I don't know what to add it make it the statement true, so the items appear. Can someone tell me what direction I add to make the formula work?

IF([Received Date ]<=[Today]

3 Replies

  • You can make a report filter without making an extra field.

    You can make a filter where [Received Date] is on or after 30 days in the past.
  • Thank you for responding!

    AT first I didn't see what you were talking about! i just found it, THANK YOU!!!!! as usual i was over-complicating everything._
  • Have you tried the report filter?  The filter for "on or after 30 days in the past" is floating based on the current (today's) date.

    The report can be put directly on a dashboard or else on a Button on the Dashboard.