Forum Discussion

MichaelTamoush's avatar
Qrew Captain
4 years ago

Random issues popping up? Automations etc

Did everyone wake up Monday morning to find a host of random issues? Automation's failing, addons broken, etc? Another developer and I are having a lot of issues but can't quite put our finger on specifics.

I think maybe QB rolled out an update this weekend, perhaps caused a bit of chaos. Just wondering if anyone else has issues and have pin pointed any specifics. I know it has interfered with at least 2 juiced addons and a number of my automations.

Mike Tamoush

5 Replies

  • I woke up to this issue today; multiple automations & pipelines that have been running fine for months suddenly stopped.  I submitted a ticket to Quickbase; have you heard anything?  Are you still having issues today?

  • I had the same issues with a bunch of automations. They had been working fine then suddenly stopped working. I spent an hour troubleshooting to no avail. I opened a support case and QB reported that they were investigating as others had reported similar issues. By the next day the problems were gone and the automations were working normally even though I hadn't changed them at all. The support case was closed at my request. I have no idea what root cause was except that I'm confident it was on the back end as I did nothing before or after to cause the issues.

    Paul Streit

    Paul Streit
  • Hi Mike,

    We did have our monthly product release on Sunday and Monday morning we had users seeing some issues with Automations that we looked into. If you are still having persistent issues today I would reach out to the Care team with specifics of what you are seeing so they can see if it is tied to the issue that was found or if there is something else you are running into causing your problems. You can create a Care case right here in the community by selecting Support where it appears in the upper right hand corner or inside of Quick Base by selecting the question mark icon in the upper right hand corner and selecting 'manage support cases'. Certainly let me know if you are having issues submitting a case and I'm sorry to hear you ran into these issues.

    Evan Martinez
    Community Marketing Manager
    Quick Base
    • MichaelTamoush's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Thanks Evan. Since it appears it was sorted out yesterday, Ill give it through today to see if it seems sorted on my end.

      Unfortunately, the biggest issue is it appears to have broken a number of the Juiced Addons. I realize as a third party that the ball isn't in your court for this, but it's rough lol. Hopefully they can determine what changes you made that affected them.

      Mike Tamoush