Forum Discussion

vikaspasula's avatar
Qrew Member
11 months ago

Re: displaying success message after submitting quickbase form

Hello all,

Please suggest me a solution about how to display a success message after submitting a quickbase form.

vikas pasula
  • Yes, it is possible to redirect the user to a Thank You page where you can have words which assure the user that their entry has been saved successfully.  Can you tell us if the User was in an Add Record form before submitting (Saving) or were they editing?

    Also,  these EOTI everyone in the Internet users?  Or users with QuickBase userids?

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • vikaspasula's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Hi mark,

      Yes, the user is in the add record form including the EOTI. Can you please help in creating the form rule. Thank you!

      vikas pasula
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        There are a few approaches. 

        One option is to suffix the add record URL which you are proving to the user with 


        If you are using a Legacy form, that will hide the Quickbase branding entirely including the Save button.  Then you would prove a button labeled as Submit which takes the user to a Rich Text page. The record should Auto Save as you navigate away. 

        the button code would be

        URLRoot() & "db/" & "?a=ShowPage&PageID=99"

        where 99 is the page number.

        The alternative is to make a button like this 

        URLRoot() & "db/" & dbid() & "?a=nwr"

        & "&NextURL=" & URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & "?a=ShowPage&PageID=99")

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • vikaspasula's avatar
      Qrew Member

      The url already has the suffix &ifv=1

      vikas pasula