Forum Discussion
3 Replies
- ChayceDuncanQrew Captain
If your notes table is the child then yes, the max record ID will be the max Note Record ID of the notes related to that parent, that's the design of the relationship. So do the Max Record ID# of the notes and you have the RID of the most recent Notes entry that you can then point your formula query to.
Chayce Duncan
------------------------------- ColinBurnsQrew Member
Got it thank you.
Colin Burns
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You
Qrew Legend
A simpler way is to use a "Reverse Relationship". The Parent table knows the Maximum of the Record ID# of the Children. If you make a reverse relationship where one Child has many Parents and use the field best called say, [Record ID# of the Most Recent Note] ... ie you summary max field. ... as the reference field on the right side for the reverse relationship, the you can "lookup" easily any fields you like up to the Parent such as the most recent note, who entered the note ie the [Record Owner], the Date Created of the most recent note.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)