Forum Discussion

Re: Is there a way to get a value based on comparing 3 different fields across all records and then combining the results for a total ranking?

Ranking formula using the new Query functions. Will rank records based on numeric field.  Ranks top 10, top 100, etc – or every value…

var bool descOrder = true;            // true if ranking from high to low, otherwise false
var number maxrank = 0;             // 0 to rank every number, else 10 to rank 1 through 10, 100 to rank 1 through 100, etc
var number fieldId = 17;              // the field id of the numeric field being ranked - CHANGE AS NEEDED
var number rankThis = [number field];  // the numeric field being ranked - CHANGE AS NEEDED
var number rank    = If($descOrder, Size(GetCellValues(GetRecords("{"&$fieldId&".GT."&$rankThis&"}"),$fieldId))+1,
If($maxrank=0,$rank, If($rank<=$maxrank,$rank,null))

Elwyn Dow

2 Replies

  • MarkShnier__You's avatar
    Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
    Impressive!  is there a published list of the Transform functions like "Size"?

    Mark Shnier (YQC)