Forum Discussion
No, the page has a dropdown that displays:
List 1
List 2
List 3
Each list generates a report with different records.
Each record has a button "Claim", which when clicked, takes the user to the Default form for the table the report and page the dropdown is in, where the user clicks a 2nd button that reads [Add Record].
The process itself works, but instead of the saved record returning to the Default Form where they clicked the Add Record button, I want to redirect the user to the list they clicked the "Claim" button.
The reason for this is so the user doesn't have to click "Reports and Charts">"Claims List">"Select list from the dropdown">"Display Report".
Rene Jamis
Maybe this is what you want.
// update the formula below to specify the Report ID to redirect to. ie change the10 11 and 12.
var text ReportNumber = Case(
- ,
"List 1", "10",
"List 2", "11",
"List 3", "12");
URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_TABLE_B] & "?a=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_29=" & URLEncode ([CID])
& "&NextURL=" & URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & dbid() & "a=q&qid=" & $ReportNumber)
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
- ReneJamis12 years agoQrew Member
I'm not quite sure how this would work since, it would appear that all ID seem to the the same #.
Here are the report links for 2 different lists. The only difference is the actual list the end. presume the ids you wanted me to change for the code were "q&qid=11"?
Is the ampersand "&" the issue with just using one of the links I showed here as a redirect URL?
Rene Jamis
------------------------------- MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
OK, we will try one more answer on this Forum and if that does not work I will have mercy on you and do a short one on one Zoom call.
I believe that the Table Home Page report where you are starting is in fact an <ask the User> report where you are prompted to select a "List" from not a "combo box", but in fact a drop down list of the List Choices.
I believe that your question is how do you return to that same report with the List pre-selected, as you don't want to return the user to the Table Home Page and have to re-select the list again.
Assuming that my assumptions are correct, the first thing required will be to ensure that the
- field from Table A is a lookup field down to Table B.
Then try this as a formula to add a Table B Child and return (on Save) to the same List.
URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_TABLE_B] & "?a=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_29=" & URLEncode ([CID])
& "&NextURL=" & URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & dbid() & "a=q&qid=11&nv=1&v0=" &
- )
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- ReneJamis12 years agoQrew Member
1st let me say thank you so very much for your assistance Mark.While the last code you provided didn't work, It was enough to help me think through what needed to happen and what was what.
After trying countless, ok well, maybe not countless but certainly a dozenish, I figured it out.
It came to me at 4ish AM, or at least the hunch that the following part of the formula was wrong.
URLRoot() & "db/" & dbid() & "a=q&qid=11&nv=1&v0=" &- ).
I read the following in the URL Formula Buttons for Dummies app,
"& "?a=dr&rid=" this says "Action = Display Record and the Record ID is""
This morning as I tossed and turned trying not to think of work, it thought "WAIT! a=q&qid=11&nv=1&v0= is a string literal and I don't think it's the same as the report link and Voila "tablereport?" was missing from your string.
My DB Admin's gonna be impressed.
Again, thank you so so much for your patience and assistance.Cheers
Rene Jamis