Forum Discussion

WadeMyers1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Remove the option to delete from a report

I want to remove the ability to check a box on a report and be presented with the option to delete. I don't want to do this everywhere, but just certain reports which are only intended to be a visual display on a from to represent data in a child table.

I'm not looking to disable the ability of a user or a role to delete that record. I just don't want them performing that action from the particular report.

Wade Myers

1 Reply

  • There is no option to suppress the delete box on a report by report basis. If the role of the users and permits delete then that box will be there.
    An alternative would be to create your own delete checkbox and have a Pipeline delete the record. Then you can control which reports are which records offer delete. 

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)