Forum Discussion

JoshuaDavis1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 days ago

Report Based on User's Role


What is the best method to create a report based on a user's role? I created a table which contains a list of users, their ID, and their role. I tried to establish a table to table relationship with the Projects table and User List table. But, the User List table fields are blank on the Projects table default report. I tried to import the User List data into the Projects table, but this option failed to work for me. 

  • Mark, 

    Thank you! On the Users table, I made the UserID field the key field. I followed your instructions to create Current User field. However, the User() is only returning my name back. I've included screenshots below. 

    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

      The Key field of the Users table should be a field of type User.  There will not be a formula user or List User field on that table.

      The field on the details table should be field type Formula User with a formula of User()

      That is the field you will use in the relationship back to the Users Table.

  • np,

    Set the Key field of the Users table to be the userid field. 

    Then on the details table where you have the report, make a relationship to the Users table and on the right side of ther relationship use a formula user field called

    [Current user]

    with a formula of User().

    Now you can look up any values from the Users table down to the details table.