Forum Discussion

BibhavRimal's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Report Formula: Sum total


I have two columns Erect Hours and Total Pieces Erect. 

This is what I want to get at using report formula;

(Sum of Total Erect Hours * 60) / Sum of Total Pieces Erect. (64102.36*60)/352507.5 = 10.91

I tried using this Sum([Build - Erect Hours])*60/Sum([Build - Total Pieces Erect]). However, it is not calculating the column total but it is calculating row total.  Any help will be appreciated.

Bibhav Rimal
  • I tried using this formula in excel by downloading the report and it works. The Max function in Quickbase doesn't work for me. 


    Bibhav Rimal
  • Any help on this would be appreciated.

    Bibhav Rimal
    • PrashantMaheshw's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      I believe Summary Report would be a better bet to achieve what you want.

      Prashant Maheshwari
      • DwightMunson1's avatar
        Qrew Assistant Captain
        Each row is it's own record. So if you have a formula it's only going to affect/pull data from that record. So there's two ways to slice this: 

        1) Create a summary report for this data
        2) Create a fomula query, query all the relevant records for the data, and display a running total. 

        **3rd way, I don't know your app structure, but if these are child records to a parent, or could be, you could summarize that data at the parent level and do the calculation there.

        Dwight Munson