Forum Discussion

BradElmore's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
4 years ago

Report Link - based on User field - to - List User field

I have a Employees table and a Projects table --

Employee Table
-User Field

Projects Table
-List User field

-Employee A -- User Field = Bob
-Employee B -- User Field = Tim

Projects Table
-Project A   -- in my List User Field I have selected (Bob & Tim)
-Project B  -- in my List User Field I have selected (Bob)

I would like to create a Report Link field - within my Employees table -- this Report Link field will be used on the Employee record form to display related Projects.

Currently -- My Report Link field I have created - (based on exact match) -- For Bob --- I only see Project B -- I want to be able to see both Project A and Project B -- If I uncheck the Exact Match  -- I do not see any related Projects.

Is it possible to create a Report link field that will show both Project A & B (for Bob) -- or any suggestions -- 

thank you

Brad Elmore

1 Reply

  • BradElmore's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    I believe I have a solution -- If I convert the UserList to a Text Field -- and uncheck exact match -- both projects appear under Bob -- just need to avoid hiring employees with the same name.

    Brad Elmore