Forum Discussion

DianeSinawi's avatar
Qrew Member
4 months ago

Report widget not showing available reports

On our app home page, when I try to update an existing report using the widget, or add a new report using the widget, our reports are not showing up in the report dropdown. Even the report that was already previously added via the widget is not showing up in the report dropdown. I am the app manager and have administrator access.

We have a number of existing reports for this table, and several are used on the app home page, and have been there for at least a year. All are shared reports with no access restrictions. They are not grid-edit reports. I have not made any changes to the type or location of our reports. 

I have 3 apps where I'm the manager/administrator, and the issue is happening with all of them.

How do I make them show up again? And could this be tied to the recent QB update that changed some UI (tables now listed in a left sidebar instead of on top, etc.)? This is the first time I've tried to change reports since that UI update. Thank you for your help!

These are the reports as shown from the table page:

This is what I see in edit mode on the home page. These 2 items are the only things that show up and neither are clickable and a search does not find the reports:


  • Quickbase support has responded and said they've identified a fix already and it will be deployed next week. They said as a workaround you can use a browser other than Edge/Chrome.

  • It's probably 99% that this is not the problem but one quick check you should do is to go to your users and then Roles list and then at the top right corner of the page with there is a link to set access to reports by Roll. Maybe somebody did a big cleanup and deselected a bunch of reports for a bunch of Roles. 

    • Luigi's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      I'm having the exact same issue. I'm administrator and all reports have a green mark in Roles and Reports Matrix. I also changed the sequence of Roles to have Admistrator, Partecipant and as last Viewer but sill no way I can select or even change an existing report in the Report or Chart widget. Fun fact, I can select the reports when adding a button. What is wrong here?

      • DianeSinawi's avatar
        Qrew Member

        It randomly is working for me today, I didn't make any changes. Try logging out and back in and see if its working?

        It did not work for me last week and yesterday, but is working now. [shrug]

  • Well that was weird. Mark, to answer your question - I did check report access through Roles before I submitted this question, but nothing had been changed (my admin role still had access to all reports, so they should all be showing up in the widget on my administrator dashboard home page).

    But when I checked again this morning, the report widget is working now! I did not make any changes between when I submitted this question and today.

  • So what that probably means is there was a New Release on Sunday and they probably accidentally broke something, realized it pretty quickly and did a patch on Monday night.  

    • Luigi's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      I'm really sorry but it still does not work. I cannot select anymore a report with the "Report or Chart" widget. Our system administrator says, this is SAAS, means we cannot install any patches. I did log out and in again, I created a new page but still no success. As I said, I can add the reports to buttons, but not to the Report widget. I also cannot change anymore any of the reports (widgets) already present on the dashboard. What else can be tried?