Required Fields Not Validating on Edit Form with Custom Save Button
I have required fields in one of my forms. I'm using a custom button to save the form. When I click the "Save" button, it checks for the required fields in the Add Form, but it doesn't perform the validation in the Edit Form.
How can I ensure that required field validation works on the Edit Form as well when using the custom save button?
This is the custom button formula:
// Define the container style
var text container =
"display: flex;" & // Use flexbox layout for arranging children
"justify-content: center;" & // Center all child elements horizontally
"gap: 17px;"; // Add space between child elements
// Define the subcontainer style
var text subcontainer =
"display: flex;" & // Use flexbox layout for subcontainer
"justify-content: center;"; // Center all child elements horizontally
// Define the button container style
var text buttonContainer =
"width: 130px;" & // Set fixed width for the button container
"display: flex;" & // Use flexbox layout
"flex-direction: column;" & // Stack buttons vertically
"gap: 10px;" & // Add space between buttons
"padding: 5px 3px;" & // Add inner spacing (5px top/bottom, 3px left/right)
"border-radius: 8px;"; // Round the container's corners
// Define the orange button style
var text orangebutton =
"border-radius: 40px;" & // Fully round the button's edges
"color: #ffffff;" & // Set the button's text color to white
"background-color: #f8761f;" & // Set the button's background to orange
"font-family: Roboto, sans-serif;" & // Use Roboto font with sans-serif fallback
"font-weight: 700;" & // Make the text bold
"font-size: 12px;" & // Set the text size
"padding: 12px 40px;" & // Add spacing inside the button (12px vertical, 40px horizontal)
"display: inline-block;" & // Ensure the button behaves like an inline-block element
"line-height: 20px;" & // Set the line height for text
"text-decoration: none;" & // Remove underline from the button text
"text-align: center;"; // Center the text inside the button
// Define the black button style
var text blackbutton =
"border-radius: 40px;" & // Fully round the button's edges
"color: #ffffff;" & // Set the button's text color to white
"background-color: #252525;" & // Set the button's background to black
"font-family: Roboto, sans-serif;" & // Use Roboto font with sans-serif fallback
"font-weight: 700;" & // Make the text bold
"font-size: 12px;" & // Set the text size
"padding: 12px 40px;" & // Add spacing inside the button (12px vertical, 40px horizontal)
"display: inline-block;" & // Ensure the button behaves like an inline-block element
"line-height: 20px;" & // Set the line height for text
"text-decoration: none;" & // Remove underline from the button text
"text-align: center;"; // Center the text inside the button
// Define the Record ID or placeholder if not available
var text rid =
If([Record ID#] > 0, // Check if a Record ID exists
ToText([Record ID#]), // Use the existing Record ID
"%%rid%%" // Placeholder for new records
// Define the close window URL
var text closewindow = URLRoot() & "db/" & AppID() & "?a=dbpage&pageid=11"; // URL to redirect to page 11 after an action, which closes the popup page
// Construct the Submit URL
var text Submit =
URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & // App root and database ID
"?a=API_EditRecord&rid=" & $rid & // API call to edit a record using Record ID
"&_fid_23=" & URLEncode("Pending FP&A Approval") & // Update status field with "Pending FP&A Approval"
"&_fid_25=2" & // Update field 25 with value 2
"&_fid_26=1" & // Update field 26 with value 1
"&rdr=" & URLEncode($closewindow); // Redirect to the close window URL after editing
// Construct the HTML structure
"<div style='" & $container & "'>" & // Outer container with flexbox layout
"<div style='" & $subcontainer & "'>" & // Subcontainer centered within the outer container
"<div style='" & $buttonContainer & "'>" & // Button container for Cancel button
"<a style='" & $blackbutton & "' href='" & $closewindow & "'>Cancel</a>" & // Cancel button styled as black
"</div>" &
If([Payment Request Status] = "New", // Conditional logic for Submit or Save button
"<div style='" & $buttonContainer & "'>" & // Button container for Submit button
"<a class='SaveBeforeNavigating' data-replaceRid=true style='" & $Orangebutton & "' href='" & $Submit & "'>Submit</a>" &
"<div style='" & $buttonContainer & "'>" & // Button container for Save button
"<a class='SaveBeforeNavigating' data-replaceRid=true style='" & $Orangebutton & "' href='" & $closewindow & "'>Save</a>" &
) &
"</div>" &
This is the code page content:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
Any help would be greatly appreciated!