Forum Discussion

LoriPelzel's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Results of Formula Fields that we want to copy into field I can edit.

I have a commission field that is calculated.  My boss wants to be able to change the amount.  How can I copy the values in that field into a field that can be edited?

Lori Pelzel
  • This is a typical problem and no different from Excel.
    You will need three fields.
    You already have the calculated field.  Rename it to [Calculated Commission]

    Then make a new field called [Commission Override].   Be sure it is not checkboxed to treat null as zero.
    Then make a new formula numeric field called either [Commission] or perhaps [Commission (final)]

    IF(not IsNull([Commission Override], [Commission Override], [Calculated Commission])

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)