Forum Discussion

JennasonQuick_B's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

Retaining Filters on 'New' Table View

Originating from user feedback- is it possible to retain filters on the 'new' table views?     

For example- if a user filters two columns, then clicks into a record, when they navigate back to the table view they would like the filters to still be in place (to simply save them from having to filter again).

I realize that clearing out the filters is likely the intended approach- and may be many scenarios where users would want the filters to clear- just curious if anyone has similarly wondered if filters could be retained and any suggestions to do so.


Jennason Quick Base Admin
  • Although the new view has some features - losing the quick filters - and especially being able to set up reports in a way that is easy for other users to filter only what will actually help them - is a huge benefit to the side bar filters.  Is there any response from QB about this?  Losing the sidebar filters will be a huge loss

    Geoff Barrenger
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
      There is definitely work underway in the sausage factory to make access to the Dynamic Filters easier on the New Table Reports.  I believe that is the main issue which is preventing Quick Base to push us even harder over to the New Report Style.

      Recently I encountered an in product survey asking me if I like Solution "A" or Solution "B" better and previous to that they heard from many including me that we need access to the curated DFs that the app builder intended.

      So, yes DF improvements on the New Table Report are in development now.

      Mark Shnier (YQC)
      Quick Base Solution Provider
      Your Quick Base Coach
      • DonLarson's avatar
        Qrew Elite
        Agreed.  My customers have nothing good to say about the new format.   In current reports, the selection of DF is probably my #1 request from the User Base.​

        Don Larson
        Westlake OH
  • ...and interestingly in the 'old' view if you set a dynamic filter, clicked into a record then use your browsers back button, it does appear to retain the dynamic filter set

    Jennason Quick Base Admin