Forum Discussion

BarbaraAlvarez1's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Return only one occurrence into a table report from multiple occurrences in a table.

I have a table that has, for simplicity,  a client name, related agency, related product and price. 
One client can have many related agencies, and the agencies may have 1 to 5 products  (all 5 are the same) .  I want to create a table report that basically ignores the agency but brings back only one occurrence of the  client/product/price combination.  example:   
    client-a   agency-a   prod-a   price  5.00
    client-a   agency-b   prod-a   price  5.00  
    client -b  agency-c   prod-a   price  8.00 

I would like the table report to show only one client-product-price combination.   Reason is each product has a related price, but the price is set at the client level so I really don't care about the agency.   I want the report to tell me for each client, show me one occurrence of the product and related price. 
   client-a  prod-a  price    5.00
   client-b  prod-a  price    8.00

How can I accomplish this?  Thank you 

Barbara Alvarez

5 Replies

  • There are more complicated solutions which involve Formula Queries, but have you tried making a Summary Report?

    Steven Shweky
    • BarbaraAlvarez1's avatar
      Qrew Member
      I didn't think of that!  The summary report gives me exactly the results what I want, BUT, it is only allowing be to include  5 'then by'.  I need to include about 4 more more 'Then By' in my Group By.      Possible? 

      Barbara Alvarez
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        Ah right, the limit is 6 group bys.  The only other option is to make a few concatenated fields to join two or more text fields together.  Would that work?

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
  • There are more complicated solutions using formula queries but have you considered using a simple summary report?

    Steven Shweky