Forum Discussion

KristaSibery's avatar
Qrew Cadet
2 years ago

Rich Text button, hide top section

I created a rich text formula button that opens as popup. I would like to not see all the browser information at the top. Is there a way to hide this within the formula?

Current formula

var text RID = If(IsNull([Record ID#]),"%%rid%%",ToText([Record ID#]));
var text URL = URLRoot() & "db/" & "bqwrgfdsi" & "?a=nwr&dfid=13" & "&_fid_131="&$RID & "&_fid_10=" & [Customer] & "&_fid_8=" & "QC Picture" & "&_fid_12=" & "OSP" & "&_fid_60=" & [Pole/HH Number] & "&NextURL=" & URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=er&dfid=2&rid=") & $RID;

var text LABEL = "Save & Add Document";
"<a class='btn btn-info OpenAsPopup' style='background-color:#8fbb40; color: #ffffff; border:#ffffff; border-radius:28px; text-decoration:none;' data-replaceRid=true href='" & $URL & "'>" & $LABEL & "</a>"

Krista Sibery
  • If you're still using Legacy Forms you can append &fiv=1 into your url to open it in 'iFrame Version' - however the last time I checked it wasn't operational in new forms yet. 

    Chayce Duncan