Forum Discussion

AmyGosz1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
10 months ago

Rich Text formula 'expecting text' at the end of formula

I have a Rich Text Formula to display values from fields in a paragraph format. I have searched and tried so many different things but I can't seem to figure out what I am doing wrong. Please note, I will add the else statement which would be for a female, but I need to get the first part fixed first. I'm not sure if the / in the field names is actually throwing the error or not. I don't want to rename them if I don't have to.

For this version, the ) at the end is yellow highlighted and it tells me 'expecting text'. The fields are in green text so I feel I'm on the right track with this version.

[Sexo / Sex]="Male",
[Primer Nombre / First Name]&" is an "&[Personalidad del Nino / Child's personality]&" boy who enjoys "& [Pasatiempos / Hobbies]&". He loves"&[Animal Favorito / Favourite Animal]&" and eating "&[Comida Favorita / Favourite  Food]&". His favorite subjects in school are "&[Clases favoritas en la escuela / Favorite Subjects in School]&"."& [Primer Nombre / First Name]&" would like to become a "& [Aspiracion/ambicion/meta del nino / Career aspiration and goals of child]&" in the future."&

If I had the <p> to the beginning and end, then it highlights the period at the end of the first sentence stating there is a syntax error. Also, the field names in this version are not in green text which also tells me it doesn't like my syntax.

[Sexo / Sex]="Male",
"<p>[Primer Nombre / First Name]&" is an "&[Personalidad del Nino / Child's personality]&" boy who enjoys "&[Pasatiempos / Hobbies]&". He loves"&[Animal Favorito / Favourite Animal]&" and eating "&[Comida Favorita / Favourite  Food]&". His favorite subjects in school are "&[Clases favoritas en la escuela / Favorite Subjects in School]&". "&[Primer Nombre / First Name]&" would like to become a "& [Aspiracion/ambicion/meta del nino / Career aspiration and goals of child]&" in the future."&

Any ideas?

Amy Gosz
  • AlexWilkinson's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain

    When using <p> and </p> be careful to enclose them in quotes, before and after, like this ...
    [Some field] & "<p>" & [Some other field] & "some words or sentences" & "</p>"

    Same goes for other permitted HTML tags, such as <b> etc.

    Alex Wilkinson

  • AlexWilkinson's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Amy, also for the error message on your first example (without <p>) I think you need to remove the & just before the closing ). The & means "here comes some quoted text or a bracketed text-field, but it's not there.

    • AmyGosz1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Thanks Alex....removing the & at the end was the solution. Makes sense and I think I just spent too much time on it to see that.

      Amy Gosz