OK, Let's say an Area has 5 Clamps and you want to have one "form" that has 55 questions (5 times 11).
That can be doine but you would need to redesign the app so that One Clamp Inpection Record has Many (ie 11) Clamp Inspection Questions. So when a Clamp Inspection record was created, a Pipeline or a buttn would create the children. (There are two different ways to create the Children).
If the answers were all child records, then you could open up an Area form in Edit Mode and it could show an embedded report of the questions for all clamps in the area.
I suppose there could be a button to push to auto create all of the clamps for a given area and each clamp record within get the 11th child questions attached to it.
But this would be a complete redesign of your app structure.