Forum Discussion

TammyHanneman's avatar
Qrew Member
7 years ago

Save & Edit Button - Updated Formula

I have a save button that returned the user to the form in edit mode.  Functionality has been knocked out as a result of a release or two, so the button now only saves (and form stays in read-only mode).  Was hoping someone could help update the formula (clearly not a developer here!).  Formula is:

"<a class='Vibrant Success' onclick='DoSaveAdd()' href='#'>Save</a>"

Thank you!

4 Replies

  • Hi Tammy,

    Your above formula only will save the record.
    "<a class='Vibrant Success' onclick='DoSaveAddAndAnother()' href='#'>22B. Save and Add Another</a>"
    Try this and let me know if you face any issues.


  • Hi Gaurav,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to respond.  Upon using the save button, I'm actually trying to redirect the user back to the current form in edit mode, rather than adding a new record.  Is that possible? 

    I appreciate your help!
    Take care,
  • Tammy,
    This may help

    moⲆan the ultimate (Champion) replied to this question:
    Is it possible to create a "Save and Keep Working" button from a formula URL field?

    Put a Rich Text Formula field in the middle of your form with this definition:

    "Save and Keep Working"

    When it is clicked it will trigger the clicking of the native Save and Keep Working button (even though it is not visible at the moment). FWIW, this type of strategy of embedding JavaScript into a form which emulates a user clicking on a native features is safer than other methods of more directly invading the native markup and code.

    Additional code

    Ryan Blackwood commented on a reply to this question:
    Button to save and stay in EDITING record form
    I think this is what I was looking for, however, div doesn't work (it doesn't create a button, just displays static text "Save and Keep Working").

    I changed it to:
    "Save and Keep Working"

    This now gives me a button that works. Thanks so much!