Forum Discussion

ChelseaGiacchi's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Searching for text not included in Home default report

Is it possible to have fields included in the search parameters on the Table Home Page if it's not included on the home page. For example, if a form/records includes a notes field but that's not a default column on the table home page, is there a way to still search for the text from the table home page?

Chelsea Giacchi

7 Replies

  • You can cheat.

    Make a formula URL field called [.] and add it to the home pages and mark it as searchable.
    Use this formula

    var text SearchTerms = (make a formula here to list the fields you want searched);
    // for example list(",", [Phone],[address])
    var text Words = " ";

    "<a name=" & $SeachTerms & "</a>"
    add that to the table Home Page Report. No one will ever ask you why you have a field on the right side of the report named [.] You can even override the column heading to blank using the new report.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
  • You can thank @Mark Shnier (YQC) for this one!

    //use formula rich text with the code below, and put this in the report. Make the column header a period to essentially remove the title and 'hide' this column.

    var text URL = List(" ", [field 1] , [field 2], [field 99]); // all the extra fields to be searched. if not text, the wrap them in ToText

    "<a name=" & $URL  & "</a>"

    Michael Tamoush
    • Juliannada_Silv's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Hi Michael and Mark, 

      I work with Chelsea and I'm struggling with getting this formula to work. I'm brand new to this so I was hoping either of you would be able to point out where my formula is going wrong - please see below and attached for reference. Thank you so much in advance! 

      var Text URL = List(" ",[FOCO Tag - Category],[FOCO Tag - Sport],[FOCO Tag - Team (NCAA)],[FOCO Tag - Team (Pro)]);
      <a name=" & $URL & " "</a>

      Julianna da Silva
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        try wrapping those fields in ToText

        var Text URL = List(" ",ToText([FOCO Tag - Category]),ToText([FOCO Tag - Sport]),ToText([FOCO Tag - Team (NCAA)]),ToText([FOCO Tag - Team (Pro)]));

        <a name=" & $URL & " "</a>

        Mark Shnier (YQC)