Forum Discussion
Qrew Captain
You could assign a manager to each park, then when the notification goes out you use a field holding the email address to determine who it goes to. This way, you only need 1 notification.
We send tickets out to field reps, when a job is cancelled, it sends a notification to the assigned field rep:
Jeff Peterson
3 years agoQrew Trainee
Thanks Jeff, that seems like the best way to do it. However, the option, "the email address listed in the field: x" is not showing up for me. The only option I have is a text box where I manually enter an email address that it gets sent out to.
Coleman DuCharme
Coleman DuCharme
- JeffPeterson13 years agoQrew CaptainIs the field where you hold their email address actually an 'email' type field or is it a text field?
Jeff Peterson
------------------------------- ColemanDuCharme3 years agoQrew Trainee
I do not have a "manager" field in the "reported restroom issues" table. Will adding an email field allow that to be selected as an option?
- MarkShnier__You3 years agoQrew LegendThe Park should have an email address for the Park Manager. Look that up down to the Issues table.
Mark Shnier (YQC)