Forum Discussion

DavidMinker's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

Set ""Use Alternate Label Text"" dynamically for a Text field

I have two text fields called Misc1 and Misc2 in a table that will hold miscellaneous data depending on other selections from the record being created.  Presenting the fields to the user on a form and calling them Misc1 and Misc2 aren't very user-friendly, so I'd like to replace the Misc1 & Misc2 labels "at runtime" with the corresponding label values stored elsewhere.  

How do I set Use Alternate Label Text in a Dynamic Form Rule (or anywhere else, for that matter) so the users know what they're supposed to enter into Misc1 & Misc2?

1 Reply

  • There is not a way to dynamically update an alternate label by form rules or by any other native means.  I suggest that you have a lookup field or formula field  and then contrive some words to tell the user what to enter into the two fields, or perhaps you can arrange the form so that these calculated label fields are close enough to the formula fields that have their desired names so the user understands how to use them.