Forum Discussion

EmberKrumwied's avatar
Qrew Captain
8 months ago

Show unique parent records for current user

Looking for a way to show a summary type list of items. In my application I have a Projects table and a Time Entries table. Projects can have many Time Entries.

I also have a Team Members table. A Team Member can have multiple Time Entries.

I'm trying to create a summary type report which would show the Current User a list of all Projects to which they have logged any time. I do not want to view each of the individual time entries, but just a list (non-repeating) of the project name.


Time Entries (table)

Team MemberDateProject
Bob Smith7/1/2024Project A
Bob Smith7/2/2024Project A
Bob Smith7/1/2024Project B
Bob Smith7/2/2024Project B
Sally Jones7/1/2024Project A

Report would then Display:

Bob Smith
Project A
Project B
Sally Jones
Project A

  • EmberKrumwied's avatar
    8 months ago

    Apologies for not being clearer or holding a greater understanding of the application. I was stuck in the mindset that I needed to create a Summary field (via table-to-table relationships). I had previously attempted an actual Summary Report, but the results I was getting only showed a total number, not the names. I believe I have created a Summary Report that gives me the essence of what I am seeking. It is built summarizing (by distinct count) the Related Project field. It is then grouped by my Project Name field then by Related Team Member. I should now be able to filter this report so that the results will be based on the current user. I do wish I could not show the distinct count column, but that is a small issue.

  • You should be able to do this by making a summary report in the Time Entries table.   Also, if you do in fact want to limit the results to time entries for the current user, and you have a user field on the time record for whose time it is, then you can add a file term to the summary report for there the Team Member userid is the current user

    • EmberKrumwied's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      That is the route I attempted to go down, but the summary "options" I found just give me a count of the unique Project Names, I'm looking for an actual list that would hopefully link to the Project record. This app will continue to grow and I'd like to provide an easy way for users to see which projects they have worked on. The only way to know this is to look at the Time Entries they logged. I guess I could always add another field on the Project record where we could indicate users working on it, but that would require someone to maintain that field.

      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        I don't understand the problem. Just make a summary report Grouped by Team member and Project name.  I suggest you sum something useful like the number of hours.

  • I started playing around with adding a Combine Text Summary field on the Project record which shows me the name of each Team Member that logged time to it. I can also create this field in the Team Member table, but then the trick will be to then, hopefully/somehow, to pull that field result apart so that each of the unique results can be turned into hyperlinks (back to either the Project record or the Team Member record).

    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

      Sorry, I really feel you are over complicating this. Just make a summary report by Team Member by Project off the time entries table and you're done, right?  What's the problem?

      • EmberKrumwied's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        Apologies for not being clearer or holding a greater understanding of the application. I was stuck in the mindset that I needed to create a Summary field (via table-to-table relationships). I had previously attempted an actual Summary Report, but the results I was getting only showed a total number, not the names. I believe I have created a Summary Report that gives me the essence of what I am seeking. It is built summarizing (by distinct count) the Related Project field. It is then grouped by my Project Name field then by Related Team Member. I should now be able to filter this report so that the results will be based on the current user. I do wish I could not show the distinct count column, but that is a small issue.