Forum Discussion

Forsaken_User's avatar
Qrew Cadet
6 months ago

Side Bar Navigation SUCKS.

Am I to understand that top navigation is going to be permanently moved to side navigation beginning in 2025?

If so, that is one really dumb move. We have ALOT of reports that are designed to fit on the screen exactly as they are. Now they will all have a horizontal scroll bar which makes it an unnecessary waste of time having to scroll left to right to see the entire report.

Why do you guys arbitrarily change stuff nobody really asked for? And why don't you just give us the option to stay with what we are comfortable with. Removing choices in preference is really stupid.


  • shay's avatar
    Qrew Member

    This is helpful information... I switched mine back to eliminate the sidebar

    *sidebar is horrible UI IMO.

  • I get complaints from customers virtually every day about the "New Reports" and they are not very new now.

  • Our reports are affected too. To make things worse. If you scroll on large report you loose headers so you literarily have no clue what field is where. Went back and forth with tech support for days. Their solution: switch back to top navigation. (fyi they are still using the top nav themselves) They made zero mention about this "fix" going away come 2025... Found out about it elsewhere. They also said, if we are strongly opinionated about not liking a feature or lack of one, we should post our comments here and they may take it into consideration. QB, how about just make your interface functional instead?!