Forum Discussion

AdamHollman's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Simple formula, but not simple to me.

Hi all - first off, obviously I'm not a coder hence the request.

I have a field called 'Episodes x Duration' and in there it holds TV production data of how many episodes by how many minutes per episode. So you'll have 10x60 (10 episodes of 60 minutes each) etc. I have one formula in a total episodes field taking the episode count of 10 using:

var text LastEntry = Left([Episodes X Duration],"\n");
Trim(Right($LastEntry, "["))

But I need one for a new Duration field to automatically pick up the duration of 60. Can someone help with that formula please?

And also I'd like a field called 'Total Minutes' which turns the value in the field into a calculation and takes the value 10x60 and applies =10x60 and shows the result 600. Looking for a formula for that also please?

Looking forward to the community helping me, thanks all.

Adam Hollman

1 Reply

  • It is unclear from your question what the source data looks like.

    If indeed it looks like


    The the formula to extract the [Episodes] would be a formula numeric field 

    ToNumber(Left([Episodes x Duration]))

     and the formula for the formula numeric field type [Duration] would be
    ToNumber(Right([Episodes x Duration]))

    The formula for [Total Minutes] would be a formula numeric field type

    [Episodes] * [Duration]

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