Forum Discussion

PatrickDunn's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
5 years ago

Slow form load for some users?


A few of my users have reported very slow form loading, specifically in edit mode. When I try to recreate the issue by impersonating the affected persons, I'm unable to do so, i.e. the form loads as I would expect. Other than the potential for slow internet speeds on their end, any idea what may be causing the problem or how best to troubleshoot?


Patrick Dunn

3 Replies

  • AustinK's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    Are all users(including you) using the same exact browser and all fully updated? Don't assume, I know lots of people that prefer Edge or Firefox over others. For example at my office most of us use Chrome because we use some extensions that are not available in other browsers. We still get users that use Edge and Firefox for their daily tasks and just switch to Chrome to use the extension or whatever.

    If the users are working from home do they have a company provided computer that has decent specs or are they on their own computer that may be a little older? I know it is in the cloud but this does still matter when loading some stuff. I've got great internet at home but have noticed some things are a little less responsive for me as well. I'm not sure of the exact cause but it may be because I have a lot more going on on my home pc than I do at work. Specifically many many more extensions installed in my browser.

    I would have them try a fresh browser and see if the issue persist. If they normally use Chrome have them install and try Firefox. If the slow loading continues then the issue is not the browser or their extensions.
    • EvanMartinez's avatar
      Qrew Elite
      Austin makes a really good point about browsers and browser extensions. I worked with customers back in Care who had some performance problems and they couldn't isolate what was causing it. When we finally jumped on a screenshare with the user having issues sure enough it was slow, then we tried it in an incognito window to strip out any plugins and it was back to the usual speed. Turned out they had a plugin that scanned every page for dial-able numbers and their app was chock full of those numbers so the browser was getting totally overwhelmed. That is why I suggest having one of the users available to screenshare if needed cause that can help get to any of those edge case issues if something more obvious doesn't present itself.

      Evan Martinez
      Community Marketing Manager
      Quick Base
  • Hi Patrick,

    If you are having issues with some of your users performance you can also submit a support case directly to our Care team to touch base and get their help looking into the issue if you are unable to find the source of the issue by impersonating them. You can reach out to the Care team via a support case either by clicking Support where it appears in the upper right hand corner or when in Quick Base by clicking on the Question mark (?) icon in the upper right hand corner and selecting manage support cases. For a case like this it can be really helpful to have one of those users available for a screenshare with the Care team as well as they dig into things so they can get a look at things from their perspective. 

    Also it is helpful with performance complaints like this to collect some specific pieces of information to help with the analysis.
    1. What apps/tables are being affected by this slowdown?
    2. Is it worse on specific records of fairly consistent?
    3. Is this all the time or at specific times of day?
    This can help point to more specific factors as the team helps you dig into the issue and find its source.

    Evan Martinez
    Community Marketing Manager
    Quick Base