Forum Discussion
One option is three fields on the form with dictated lengths
then a formula field to put the pieces together
Don Larson
Thank for your time Don,
We figure out that we were hoping too much, so trying to resolve we did what you said before with next formula text field:
var text PartOne = Left([SS#],3);
var text PartTwo = Mid([SS#],5,2);
var text PartThree = Right([SS#],4);
List("-", $PartOne, $PartTwo, $PartThree)
It is working fair good enough, but we facing the following now; Some SSN were written like ( ###,###,###) so, the new field keep them as (###-##-,###). That take me to question, is there a way that formula void (, / . ) symbols?
We appreciate your time Don, and else others.
AlfaCenter LawGroup
- DonLarson3 years agoQrew Elite
The function you need is Search and Replace
This details it for you:
Don Larson
------------------------------- DonLarson3 years agoQrew Elite
I did a quick demo app
The input fields are limited in length
the output is a formula text field
Don Larson
------------------------------- AlfaCenterLawGr3 years agoQrew Member
Hi again Don.
We appreciate your ideas and help a lot. After read your reply and trying to figure it out how to make it work, I develop my own solution with your advice. thank you so much
I will post it here for any other person may need it.
Field 1: Text field -Social Security Number (Standard input field, how ever user type it.)
Field 2: Fomurla Field -Social security converter (Processing field)List ("",
Part([Social Security Number],1," ,.-/"),
Part([Social Security Number],2," ,.-/"),
Part([Social Security Number],3," ,.-/"),
Part([Social Security Number],4," ,.-/"),
Part([Social Security Number],5," ,.-/"))What it does is clean the input text, leaving just the typed digits.
Field 3: Formula field -SSN(Final display field).
var text PartOne = Left([Social Security Number Converter],3);
var text PartTwo = Mid([Social Security Number Converter],4,2);
var text PartThree = Right([Social Security Number Converter],4);List("-", $PartOne, $PartTwo, $PartThree)
What it does is reorganize and divide the number in 3 parts, also, type the dashline between each.
Your answer gave me the path Don. I'm so thankful. have a nice weekend.
AlfaCenter LawGroup