Forum Discussion

ReneJamis1's avatar
Qrew Member
3 days ago

Stacked Column Chart Output

Hello Everyone,
I created a SCC where the X Axis shows Supervisor Name and the Y Axis shows a stack of 5 different Formula Fields we'll call CB1, CB2, etc.

My Filters are set to Status = Approved AND
Eval Date Is During the Current Month.

The chart can shows up to 5 columns 1 per Sup.

What I want to do is create the chart to show 2 columns for each Sup. where 1 is data from the Prev. Month and the other for Current Month. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Maybe try making a formula field to labbel the records into "Current Month" and "Last Month" by a formula.


    such as


    FirstDayOfMonth(Today()) = FirstDayOfMonth([MyDate Field]), "Current Month",

    FirstDayOfMonth(AdjustMonth(Today(), -1)) = FirstDayOfMonth([MyDate Field]), "Current Month", "Last Month")

    Then open up the report to Eval dates in the last two Months and use that calculated field as the "Series"