Forum Discussion

BerryZondag's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Stop report headings from scrolling when displaying report on a homepage

Is there any way to stop report headings from scrolling, when displaying a report on a  home page?
The normal report behavior is that the heading row is fixed when scrolling.  This works when displaying a report on a form as well.  But when displaying a report on a home page, this will not work like that.  When selecting the "view full report" it will freeze the headings again, but when extending the report to a full page it won't freeze the headings.
Have I got a setting wrong, or is this an inconsistency?


2 Replies

  • I believe that is simply a design decision of Quick Base to maximize the rows available to show data.. Dashboard reports are often used by Managers looking at high level information in short reports or else by staff working on a transactional basis with the records on their dashboards. In the latter case, because they life in those reports all day every day, then really don't need to see the column headings.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • BerryZondag's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Thanks Mark, yes, that's probably the case.  Would be nice to have a setting to change that behavior sometimes you show a report there that has several checkboxes in a row, which is pretty unreadable without heading.  Alas, we'll live with it.

      Berry Zondag