Forum Discussion
- MarceloBenavideQrew CadetHelloooo... I think ou can use button formula, use the reportUrl and use the QUERY={} param in urlMarcelo Beanvides Torres
- MarkShnier__YouQrew Legendnp, Create a field called Salary Range to be used as a Dynamic Filter. Here is an example with Qty ranges. Play with the words and perhaps some leading spaces to get them to sort correctly.
var number QtyAvailable = [Maximum Qty Available in East on Specials List in one shade/whse];
$QtyAvailable>=1000, "Qty > 1,000",
$QtyAvailable>= 500, "Qty 500 - 1000",
$QtyAvailable>=300, "Qty 300 - 500",
$QtyAvailable>=100, "Qty 100 - 300", "Qty < 100")
or if its just binary on > 40000, then you can have a formula checkbox to be used as a Dynamic filter.
[Salary] > 40000
That will either be true or false, (yes or no)
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- PrashantMaheshwQrew CaptainThank you Marcelo and Mark
Low Code Qty Ranges are a way to go start low code
Marcelo I will play with query but difficult to teach users
Prashant Maheshwari