Forum Discussion

TaraHouser's avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

Text-multiple choice field properties

Is it possible to re-order the list in a multi-choice text field? I have a list of about 25 items.  Some are no longer used but deleting them would cause an issue in other places.  What I would like to do is re-order the list putting only the used ones at the top.  Is this possible without messing things up? It seemed to be ok in a sample app but it is not nearly as massive as the app that is in use. 

Tara Houser
  • Is this just a basic Multiple Choice Text field where you're manually entering the options (meaning it's not shared from another table or shared text field)? 

    If so - MC fields have two options to show as alpha order or in the order that you dictate in the field setup. Changing it doesn't have any impact besides the actual display, so you can toggle back and forth to your hearts content. Keep in mind that if you manually control the order (not alphabetically) you will need to make sure that when / if you add other options you put them in the right spot. 

    Side note - you can remove options without impacting other parts of your app. Removing an option removes it from the schema of allowable options, but any records that previously had that value won't change. They show up 'red' on forms/reports since QB wants you to know it's not a valid option. It seems like an error but its more so designed as a flag than an actual issue. 

    Chayce Duncan
    • TaraHouser's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Thank you Chayce.  This is exactly the info I needed. 

      Tara Houser