We are looking to add some additional functionality to our existing app. Employees are manually entering in the time they have spent on a project using a Time Card table, but would like to automate th...
Depending on what you need to do will depend on how you can solve for it.
URL buttons will work to edit or create a record, but it doesn't keep the exact time, because it only used the time when the page was loaded. So for example, if they click clock in, then stay on that job record, or keep it pulled up on their phone, then 2 hours later hit clock out, without reloading the page before, it will time stamp to the time the page was loaded (possibly 2 hours ago).
For the most accurate option you will want to use some JavaScript that will pull the time of button push, and not the time from the browser.
Here are some screen shots of things I've done to track time in 3 different ways.
This is just a week data entry point, were you can punch in your time. If you had multiple project you were splitting your time between you can have multiple lines, and it would total each day.
This one uses Java to create a time entry record, then they can click clock out. This one was built so there would only be one time entry allowed at a time on a given job. (was designed for a small service company)
This last one is a time clock for employees to clock in, but requires them to enter a pin # as to prevent others from clocking in for them, (as this pin also gives them access to view all time and payment, nobody wants to share that).
You can see there are different options, but most things will require some extra coding to really make the user experience better.
If we were to use JavaScript to do this, could we also include an override option? This would be in case someone forgot to clock out of a task and accidentally left the clock running.