Forum Discussion
I guess it is true that my formulas really only make it so the min date is a week prior and the max date is 60 days out. however, if no projects exists on those extremes, the timeline will be smaller. Only way I can think of always having a set timeline at both extremes is to make a psuedo event, and in the start date formulas i posted add a first line that basically sets the pseudo event to the extremes. This would mean your timeline would always have one psuedo event with the entire duration of the timeline. I think i remember running into that limitation even with my work around, but we had enough projects happening where my extremes are almost always satisfied.
Mike Tamoush
Thank you so much for your insight. I will see what I can do. I I find something I will post.
Brian Crowther
- BrianCrowther2 years agoQrew Trainee
Ok, worked it out a couple of ways but the easy way is to do this. Go into your timeline report, go to Filters, Initial, select filter day off records, all, Select start of the project and select is on or after select days, my case 7 and select days in the past. You could then add another line of end days is on or before days in the future for me this would be 30. Dumb I know I should have seen this sooner but I figured it out. I hope this will help you if your looking.
Brian Crowther
------------------------------- BrianCrowther2 years agoQrew Trainee
Brian Crowther
------------------------------- BrianCrowther2 years agoQrew Trainee
Another way is to go to your TimeLine report and go down to Filter, select a select button field, select is equal to, checked. To do this, you will also need to write a pipeline that will check or uncheck the box based on dates or other options. More involved but you may want that type of control depending on the report you want.
Brian Crowther