Forum Discussion

LouisWambsganss's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

Timeline Table activity with no end date


  I could not find a fix for this issue. I've built a simple timeline report. Each entry has a field for start date and stop date. Entries with start and stop dates show up on the timeline as expected; no issues. However, entries without an end date (activities that are currently still in work) do not show a line on the timeline. 

 How can I make an in-work activity (end date null) populate a line in the timeline from start date to today? With "today" being a dynamic date field that changes every day. 

Thanks in advance!

Louis Wambsganss

2 Replies

  • Make a new formula date field and use that as your end date on the timeline

    Formula date
    IsNull([stop date]), Today(),
    [stop date])​

    Everett Patterson
    • LouisWambsganss's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Everett,  thanks for the reply. I just got done implementing that based on further research and it works as expected. Thanks for your time!

      Louis Wambsganss