Trying to calculate On Time delivery
I have a table that holds shipment data, Ship to, Reference #, Due Date, Ship Date, and then a formula field that returns "Yes" if the the the Ship Date is less than or equal to the Due Date and "No" if not.
I now want to show an over all Percentage of how often we are On Time. Any suggestions on how to set up a report that would portray this information? I was looking for a formula that would count how many records where the On Time field = Yes so that I could maybe summarize that. Any thought on how to set this up would be greatly appreciated.
One way to do this is to make a formula which calculates to 1 if the shipment was on time and 0 if it was not on time. Set the field type to be percent.
Then you can run a summary report to summarize your orders by say week or months and do an average of that field.