Forum Discussion
I have two thoughts.
- Can you change your input text field to be Rich Text. I suggest first make a copy of our text entry field first!! and then changing the text copy field to be type Rich Text. I think using a rich tax field will solve your issue but I don't know what's going to happen with the current data in what I assume as a regular text data entry field.
- or else in view mode display a formula Rich Text fied with this formula
SearchAndReplace([my data entry field], "Ł", "£")
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
Hi Mark,
Rich text seems to be working perfectly, thank you. Ideally, I would prefer to change field type from multi-line text to multi-line rich text. When I do this, QB comes up with the warning about data loss during conversion.
Can I loose data in this conversion? If so, is duplicating the original field enough?
Thanks again,
- MarkShnier__You2 years ago
Qrew Legend
You are likely to loose carriage returns. Suggest that you first copy the multiline text field text field. When you copy a field not only do you copy the field properties but you copy all the data and all the records in your table for that field. So you have a nice way to get a preview of what would happen if you were to change your main field tips in production now.
If there is a pattern where based on the nature of your data you lose certain characters like for example carriage returns then I work around that is to make a formula rich text field which will look for those characters such as
\n (the new line character)
and using SeachAmndReplace change those to <br><br>
So, you keep reworking that search and replace until you like it and then change probably make a COPY of that field the field and then change the formula field to a Rich Text field type.
The main thing that you want to protect is your existing data just in case something goes wrong or doesn't work right the first time so make sure that you never convert your actual production field but only convert a copy of it.
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- ArkadyGranik2 years agoQrew Cadet
Thank you!
------------------------------ - ArkadyGranik2 years agoQrew Cadet
Hi Mark,
This works, thank you. SearchAndReplace does not reliably replace Ł with £, but this doesn't matter as £ shows in exact forms that clients see. And I can now use £ throughout, which is huge help - we had to copy and paste it from other part of the app.
For some reason new multi-line rich text fields ignore specified height and width, but this is not important.
Thanks again,