Forum Discussion

AnnieRyden's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Upload CSV and link to project record ID

I have a Project Table (ex project 1, 2, 3) and I also have a products table.

I want to bulk import products into my products table. Each product has an associated project (1, 2, 3). How can I upload the CSV into my products table and link the project at the same time? 

My relationship is working and I can select the appropriate project. However I'm hoping that I can avoid having to individually select each project after uploading and automate that task. 

Please let me know if this doesn't make sense. Any insight would be very much appreciated.

Annie Ryden
  • Are you saying that the uploaded records know the name of the Project but that the Key field of the Projects is Record ID# and not the name so they don't have a way to automatically match up?

    You could set up a Pipeline to trigger when a product is created and the Related Project is blank. The Pipeline would do a search against the Projects table for the first record (ie limit = 1) where the Project Name matches the Project name on the record created and updates the record that was created to Update the apply the [Related Project]

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • AnnieRyden's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Thank you for your reply!

      No, I don't think so. I know the record ID#, but when I upload as a CSV it doesn't link anything to the record ID. I'd have to go down the list and connect each line to the "parent" project. Does that make sense? 

      Annie Ryden
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        Are you saying that in fact your upload does know the [Record ID#] of the Project? 
        If so, just map that field into the field probably called [Related Project]

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • AnnieRyden's avatar
      Qrew Member
      I know the field but I'm having trouble getting quickbase to know the field. Right now it's only allowing one merge field: Record ID#. The record ID I want associated for all is just Record ID # 1 but if I put "1" in the record ID column it still doesn't link anything. ​

      Annie Ryden
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        That was like a second nuance to your question. Are you saying you were trying to upload products and update existing products or add products if it is a new product?

        Mark Shnier (YQC)