If you want to essentially save and keep working, so that the record is saved and you land the user in the record in edit mode, then you can provide a Formula Rich Text Button with this code below. You would need to provide instructions to the users to use this special button and not the regular save button. This should have the same effect as the user manually selecting the "split" drop down option on the regular Green save button to Save and Keep Working. That option is a bit obscure so not really discoverable for regular users.
This button will work in both Add Mode or Edit Mode.
var text RID = If([Record ID#]>0, ToText([Record ID#]), "%%rid%%");
var text URL = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=er"
& "&rid="& $RID;
"<a class='SaveBeforeNavigating' data-replaceRid=true style=\"text-decoration:none; background: #117a39; border-radius: 5px; color: #FFFFFF; display: inline-block; padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px; width:140px; text-align: center; text-shadow: none; border: 2px solid #0863f5; font-size: 12px \"href='"
& $URL
& "'>Save and Continue</a>"
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)