Forum Discussion

SaviNewman1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
11 months ago

URL Formula, "mailto:" &

I've built a formula that allows us to push a button and it extracts information from quickbase and throws it in an editable email for us to send through our outlook.

I was wondering if there is a way to do the same thing, but include a PDF attachment? 

Newman, Savi
  • You can also look into Juiced Technologies Courier Add On. It won't open up an editable email, but can create and send emails with attachments. I have found it useful for a number of different use cases we have.

    @Keith Jusas

    Mike Tamoush
    • EricFixler1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      That sounds useful. Can you share the code?

      Eric Fixler
      • MikeTamoush's avatar
        Qrew Commander


        I am by no means an expert on the MailTo syntax, but I do have notes I saved for myself. This should get you going. The following should be in a formula rich text field:

        var text Subject = 
            "Enter Subject Line Text here " & [Add Fields If Desired] ;
        var text File = URLRoot() & "up/" & Dbid() & "/a/r" & [Record ID#] & "/e57/v0"; //use this if you want to include a file link

        var text Body = 
             URLEncode("Enter text for body here")
            & "%0A%0A"   //THIS IS A LINE BREAK PLUS SKIPS A LINE
            & URLEncode("Company Name: " & [Company Name]) // EXAMPLE OF HOW TO ENTER TEXT AND A FIELD
            & "%0D%0A"   //THIS IS A LINE BREAK, DOES NOT SKIP A LINE
            & URLEncode("File Link: " & $File)
            & "%0A%0A"
            & URLEncode("QuickBase Link: " & [Link Field]));

        var text Email = "" //WHAT EMAILS ARE IN THE TO LINE
        & "?"  //EMAILS IN THE CC LINE
        & "&subject=" & URLEncode($Subject)    //NOTE: If you remove the cc line, then add a ? ie: & "?subject=" & URLEncode($Subject)       
        & "&body=" & $Body;                                 

        //Final Note: The first line after mail to should have a '?' and NO "&". This indicates everything following is being set.

        "<a href="
         & $Email
         & ">" & "Create Email" & "</a>"

        Mike Tamoush

  • It's hard to provide a negative (ie prove that it's imposible) but I'm pretty sure that the answer is no.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • ChayceDuncan's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      Unfortunately no. The ability to pass a pdf or any file into an email like that requires upfront that you be able to download/extract the contents of the file which is outside the bounds of what a formula button can do. If you have the file set that you can access it without logging in your could put a direct link to it in the body of the email but attaching it as an actual attachment isn't feasible. 

      Chayce Duncan
      • EricFixler1's avatar
        Qrew Trainee

        Thank you.  I will give this a try.

        Eric Fixler
  • You could do something like this using the Outlook Connector in Pipelines to send the email with the attachment, but you'd need to do any editing inside Quickbase before the Pipeline sent the email. 

    Sam Jones