Forum Discussion

BrianDunk's avatar
Qrew Cadet
6 months ago

User List Field Based on Another Field Value?

I am wondering if it is possible to use a "User" type field and base its values on another fields value? 

For example, when a User that has the value in "Warehouse" field "Nevada".  I would like to show only the users that have the "Warehouse" value "Nevada" in the User list field.  When a "Nevada" warehouse user is viewing a record.  Alternatively, if the user is a "North Carolina" user only show "North Carolina" Users in the "User" list field.

Is this possible?


  • I can think of one way to do this, but it's a little bit klugy. You can make multiple list user fields each with a custom user set. These would correspond to each location. Then you could have a form rule show which one to display in edit mode.

    Then what you can do is have a formula list user field that would combine all these into one field for reports and view mode on the record.  

    But you would need to maintain those multiple list user fields