Forum Discussion

WilliamHunter's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

User Record ID number

I have a relationship between three tables: A user table has many middle user table entries and jobs have middle user table entries. I have done this so I can assign over 20 users to a WO. However, long story short our reps do not have time do relate our electricians to each job as they move around fluidly. Therefore, when the user selects the job I want them to relate themselves to the WO, automatically and without picking their name from a list. I am trying to achieve this by passing along the user's record ID as this is the key, however, I can not figure out how to obtain this. I have tried multiple different methods in passing data to this field with no success. Any tips? 

William Hunter

4 Replies

  • Not certain if this will help

    William Hunter
  • I have run into this issue before.
    Try this approach:

    Make a helper table called Current User Record ID.
    Create One record.
    It will be Record ID# =1.
    Make a formula numeric field on the user table called [Link to Current User Record ID#]. The formula will be 1.

    Make a Summary Maximum of the Record ID# of the User's table where the filter is that the userid is the current user.

    OK, Great now that magic record has the Record ID# of the current user and you can look that up down to any table by making a relationship using a formula of 1 on the "child" table and then use a from rule to populate Related User. 

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • WilliamHunter's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Okay excellent. I will attempt this method. Thank you!

      William Hunter
      • WilliamHunter's avatar
        Qrew Trainee

        You are a gentleman and a scholar. Worked like a charm. Thank you. 

        William Hunter