Forum Discussion

JohnHarr's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

Using an ""Unknown"" option in a User List.

I need to assign a record using a User List drop-down field. However, the person selecting the assigned person may not know who the assigned-to user should be. So, we need to add an option for "Unknown" in the drop-down. How can we do this without using a license? 

11 Replies

  • Is it possible to just leave it blank assuming it's not a required field.
  • I forgot that detail. It is a required field. Leaving it blank would cause an issue. 
    • ChuckGrigsby's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Is it possible you could just require it after some other condition like if some field is not blank or some value? If quickbase doesn't register a new user until they actually login perhaps you could create a new user but never register then use that as the user? Not tested of course so not sure if it'll work.
    • JohnHarr's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      This might actually work.  I can create a user in the application called "" When that is selected, it will indicate that the record needs to be properly assigned.
  • I didn't find the option to add the value 'UNKNOWN'.
    but w/o using license how I will approach.

    1- make this field not required.
    2- When you save a record without entering the value in this field at that time Fire a webhook and see if the field is blank. If it is blank fill it with the default value.

    I hope this will work.
